Spanish is trendy!

Yes, Spanish it´s trendy. You only need to check the statistics of the Instituto Cervantes*:

– There are more than 483 million native speakers in the world

– In addition, 22 million people in 110 countries study Spanish

– Spanish is the second mother tongue in the world by number of speakers, only behind Mandarin Chinese.

– Enrollment for Spanish courses increases 7% each year according to data from the Instituto Cervantes

– It´s established as the third most used language on the internet

– Spanish disputes with French and Mandarin Chinese for second place among the languages ​​most studied as a second language. English is still in first place.

– In the United States, Spanish is the most studied language at all levels of education.

– In the United Kingdom, Spanish is perceived as the most important language for the future.

By the way, did you know the expression “is fashionable? In Spanish it means “trendy” or “fashionable”. For example: “It is fashionable to share photos on social networks”, “Latin music is fashionable”, “Thick eyebrows are fashionable” (plural)

Is Spanish trendy in your country too?  J

*Source: Instituto Cervantes (2018)